Spot00051.pngInserting speaker arrays 



Tool set

Modes for Narzędzie Wstaw symbol

Speaker Array


Event Design

Large venues require the use of speaker arrays, which consist of speakers stacked in a column and topped by a bumper (top mounting bracket). Up to three different types of speakers can be included in an array. The speakers can each be tilted differently to provide maximum audio coverage for the audience.


To insert a speaker array:

1.      Click the tool and the desired insertion modes.

2.      Click to place the object in the drawing, and click again to set the rotation.

The first time you use the tool in a file, a properties dialog box opens. Set the default properties.

3.      A bumper is inserted. From the Object Info palette, click Configure Array.

The Array Detail and Configuration dialog box opens. Specify the bumper parameters on the Bumper tab.

4.      On the Speaker A, B, and C tabs, configure up to three types of speakers for inclusion in the array.

5.      Set up the array configuration on the Array tab.

6.      From the Object Info palette, click Populate Array to add the speakers to the drawing.

The speaker array properties can be edited from the Object Info palette. To edit the array, select the bumper. Individual speakers can be selected and certain parameters can be set independently, but since the speakers are controlled by the array, many of their parameters are not available (see Inserting speakers  for parameter descriptions).


Inserting speakers and speaker arrays

Formatting speaker object labels

Inserting speakers

Associating loads with rigging objects